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Periodical Abbreviations:
ANQ Anover Newton Quarterly
ATJ Asbury Theological Journal
AsTJ Asbury Theological Journal
AUSS Andrews University Seminary Studies
BA Biblical Archeologist
BARev Biblical Archaeology Review
BBS Bulletin of Biblical Studies
Bib Biblica
BRev Bible Review
BS Bibliotheca Sacra
BT The Bible Translator
BTB Biblical Theology Bulletin
CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly
CJ Concordia Journal
Cr Crux
CSR Christian Scholars’ Review
CT Christianity Today
CTJ Calvin Theological Journal
CTQ Concordia Theological Quarterly
EvJ Evangelical Journal
EvQ Evangelical Quarterly
ExT The Expository Times
GTJ Grace Theological Journal
HBT Horizons in Biblical Theology
HTR Harvard Theological Review
Int Interpretation
Int R Mission International Review of Mission
JBL Journal of Biblical Literature
JBQ Jewish Bible Quarterly
JETS Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
JJS Journal of Jewish Studies
JQR The Jewish Quarterly Review
JSNT Journal for the Study of the New Testament
JSOT Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
NT Novum Testamentum
NTS New Testament Studies
PPS Perspectives in Religious Studies
PSB The Princeton Seminary Bulletin
QR Quarterly Review
RB Revue Biblique
REx Review and Expositor
RR Reformed Review
RTR The Reformed Theological Review
Semeia Semeia
ST Studia Theologica
SwJT Southwestern Journal of Theology
TB Tyndale Bulletin
TBT The Bible Today
ThEd Theological Education
TJ Trinity Journal
TSF Bul TSF Bulletin
TT Theology Today
TTJ Trinity Theological Journal
USQR Union Seminary Quarterly Review
VE Vox Evangelica
VT Vetus Testamentum
WTJ The Westminster Theological Journal
W&W Word of World
ZAW Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft