Merry Christmas!
Immanuel – God with us
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 23“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). Matthew 1:22-23
As we celebrate Christmas this month, we are reminded again of the reason for this season –Christ the Lord was born into this world for us according to God’s plan to be with us so that He could save His people from sins. His name is Immanuel, which means “God with us.”
There are so many things happening in this world that cause us to worry — natural disasters, wars, the political divide, economic instability, and various injustices all over the world. Many people have lost their joy and peace, and many are filled with worries and fear for their future. Just like others, Christians are not immune from troubles. The reason we can face difficulties is because Christ has overcome the world, and He is with us!
We thank the Lord for giving Fullness in Christ Fellowship the opportunity to serve people in the United States, Hong Kong, and Cambodia. Because of the love from God and Christ’s presence with us, we are able to walk alongside others and be an encourager to those who need to be heard, to be helped, and to be healed. By the grace of God, we will have served: 500+ people in Cambodia, 100+ people in Hong Kong, and 200+ people in the United States in 2023.
We give thanks to all our co-workers who serve tirelessly with passion and devotion, and to our outgoing president, Lily Lee who served faithfully since 2012, for her passion, vision, and leadership in establishing our various ministries.
We give thanks to all the board members who volunteer & serve in the U.S. and in Hong Kong:
We thank the Lord for all our supporters. Your prayers, your involvement, and your financial support will encourage and enable us to carry out our ministry. Recently, ECFA (the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability) shared a finding that – giving dips for the first time in 10 years. We know that there are many reasons for this dip and have experienced the impact from it. However, we will continue to serve and trust in God’s provision by faith.
We are excited for the coming year as we continue to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our Lord to serve those whom God called us to serve. We know that God is with us every step of the way. Will you partner with us to experience God?
Wishing you God’s presence this Christmas and through 2024!
Vicky & Linda
Dec 2023