- The closing and graduation ceremonies of PCC and Primary and Secondary Schools were successfully held. Many parents attended the ceremony to witness the ceremony. The scene was touching and warm.
Taekwondo demonstration performance at graduation ceremony
Prayer items:
- Pray for the physical, mental and spiritual health of those we serve, our co-workers, and our families.
- Pray for our ministries staffing:
- Please pray for community centers and girls’ schools to hire suitable teachers before the start of the new semester.
- Pray for recruitment and adjustment of staff in the Home of Women.
- New collaborative intercessory prayer for the missionary team.
Pleroma Schools for Girls:
- Pray that teachers and students can spend quality time with their families during the long vacation.
- Pray for teachers’ willingness to continue to devote themselves to serving and teaching students in the new school year.
- Pray for preparations for the new school year and ask God for guidance.
Pleroma Home for Girls & Pleroma Home for Women:
- Pray for the retreat camp in September. May the entire trip be safe and smooth, and all women and girls may receive more of God’s words.
- Pray for the girls to return to their hometown during Pchum Ben. Since the girls live outside of Phnom Penh, co-workers will pick them up and drop them off, and some are far away, requiring a day’s drive. May God keep the co-workers and the girls safe on their journey and watch over the safety of the girls back home.
- Pray for community education this month. May God use it to enable co-workers to bring the correct values of Christianity into the community.
Pleroma Community Center:
- Pray for preparations for kindergarten and weekend services in the new school year. May God grant wisdom and guidance.
- Pray for the summer vacation for staff and students. May God keep everyone safe and healthy, enjoy adequate rest, regain strength, and be ready for the upcoming new semester.
Post-exam Students’ Missionary